Defy Illinois joined Defy Ventures in 2019. Defy Illinois serves at Kewanee Life Skills Re-entry Center, Pontiac Correctional Center, and Logan Correctional Center, and launched a post-release program in 2020.
Local board members
Defy Illinois Advisory Board of Directors
- Jon Hennessy (chair) - Executive Director, The Hughes Foundation
- Susan Burke - Attorney, Pederson & Houpt
- Ogechukwu Ezeokoli - Senior Consultant, Point B
- Erika Knierim - Senior Associate, Founders Law LLC
- Juan Sewell - Founder, Sewell Point; Founder & CEO, Visionnaire Entertainment Chicago, LLC
- Carl Williams - Owner, Royal Men Solutions; President, Kids United for the Future; Reentry Case Manager and Learning Fellow, Chicago Torture Justice Center
- Vince Williams - Principal and Founder, JV Williams Consulting, LLC
- Kristi Zuhlke - Principal, Kristi Zuhlke LLC