EIT Luseano pitching his business to Defy volunteers at the pitch competition.
Recently released in Washington state, Entrepreneur in Training (EIT) Luseano is on a mission to transform the local painting scene with his business, Artista. Combining his creativity with practical design, Luseano is helping local businesses elevate their interiors while building a brighter future for himself.
In 2023, Luseano was on a momentous path of transformation, having recently earned an associate degree of Applied Science in Business Management while in prison and shortly afterwards enrolling in Defy’s CEO of Your New Life program. As Luseano explained, “it was the perfect way to finish this part of my education. This [motivation] stemmed from the belief that I wanted to be what you call a law-abiding, contributing member of society.” Through the program, Luseano gained a different perspective, helping him understand the day-to-day details of running a business and emphasizing that it’s not just about theory but about execution and real-world application. The Defy volunteer business coaching and pitch competition events were memorable and significant to Luseano. He proudly remembers winning second place at the pitch competition, hearing words of validation and affirmation from both volunteers and his peers! He had peers he hadn’t spoken to before come up to him and positively comment on his business pitch. Since his recent release from prison in September, Luseano has held onto this sense of pride as he pursues his business goals.
The post-release journey has not been easy or predictable. Factors like securing housing and finding employment have been daunting, but with Defy’s support through our Career and Reentry program and network, Luseano was able to leverage his past business experience to secure a job as a painter. In addition, within the first few weeks of releasing, he was able to get his second place winnings from the pitch competition as well as a Chromebook, both of which were immensely beneficial. “It’s important that when people say they are going to do something, to follow through. I expect the same from myself. I want to be reliable [...] I want the work I do to reflect that,” he says. Currently, Luseano is living in transitional housing, which has helped him to focus on preparing for the upcoming future year.